1st cement cricket cup was organised in the NCR region, it was cohosted by KHD India and Holtec Cement. Six teams participated and amongst them were Dalmia Bharat, Heidelberg, KHD, CPW, Holtec and Beumer Group
KHD India was emerged as the Gold cup champions and Beumer Group as the first runner up. CPW emerged as Silver Cup champion and Dalmia Bharat as the first runner up.
Final event was graced by Mr Sunil Gupta, Country Head Projects, Dalmia Bharat Limited, Mr Nitin Vyas, CEO Asia region, Beumer Group, and Mr Ashok Demla, Head KHD India
RCF stands for Roof, Column, and Foundation and is the core structural system of any building, responsible for overall stability and load-bearing capacity. Therefore, RCF Strong. Toh Ghar Strong.